Weakland Farms corn maze, behind and above the scenes

Fall is officially here, which means it's time to start enjoying all of your favorite seasonal activities.

Whether it takes you a few minutes or even a few hours, going through a corn maze is a staple for fall festivities. But have you ever wondered how those huge maze designs are made?

Some corn maze designers go as far as using GPS to get their design just right, but Weakland Farms does it without technology.

"We started out simple as simple could be. And then we just keep expanding every year, getting bigger every year and here we are today," said Paul Moses, whose family owns Weakland Farms.

Moses, his wife and his daughter have been designing and creating mazes for the family farm for 16 years.

"We'll put someone at point A and then 600 feet till point B and look and say, 'OK, that should be big enough,' then we just start building it one step at a time," said Moses.

This year's maze is fairy tale themed and has been months in the making.

"The end of June when the corn is about 3 feet high. We have to have it that high so we can see if my wife over there 300 feet I have to be able to see her. If I can't see her then we can't put it into perspective where we need to put things," said Moses.

There are eight fairy tale-themed questions scattered throughout the maze. Moses said it can take people over an hour to find all of the questions and make it through the 7-acre corn maze.

"They'll go in that corn maze and they won't leave until they find every question. And I've had people come back two or three times because they missed a question and they have to find that next question," said Moses.
